I have been meaning to blog some of my breakfast ideas for ages.  I would love to be able to inspire just one person to rethink the quick and easy bowl of cereal, for a more nutritious and delicious breakfast.

I thought I would start with my absolute favourite breakfast, Bircher Muesli.  This was inspired by a trip to Sydney years ago, where they served the most beautiful Bircher Muesli in the hotel buffet. It was an apple and cinnamon one so I don't know how I developed a recipe for pineapple themed, maybe my love of the cocktail Pina Colada. (hence the name)

The other good thing about this is that it can be pre-prepared.  So for those who are short of time or can't face cooking eggs, then this will be right up your alley.

I also love to take this one camping - pre prepared and makes the mornings a breeze.

This is also dairy free and vegan however you can alter the milks to suit yourself. 




(approx 4 servings)

2 cups of Oats

300 mls of Coconut Milk (without additives if possible)

1x 440g can of crushed pineapple including juice

1/4 Cup Sultanas (Sulphite free recommended)

1/2 cup shredded coconut

1/2 Cup of coconut water

Almond milk to taste

Coconut water and / or milk / or pineapple juice of choice to get a consistency and taste you love.


Place all ingredients into a container and mix.  Place in fridge overnight. If the mixture is too thick for your liking you can add a bit of milk/coconut water/pineapple juice to thin it down.


I always taste it before putting it in the fridge just to make sure the flavour is how I like it. Then adjust, taste, adjust mmmmm is there any left????? So good! 

So too creamy, add more coconut water or pineapple juice

Not sweet enough - add more pineapple juice

Too sweet - add coconut water

You get the jist?


I prefer to eat mine when it is not straight out of the fridge, so I serve it into a bowl and leave for around 15 minutes. Then you know, do some chores, OR meditate OR do some journalling, that's a better way to go yes. Forget the chores.

And then enjoy. Enjoy it with presence. 🧡

Oh and by the way this is not just good for breakfast, it is great any time of the day!

Happy Cooking... well there is not actual cooking so wohoo! 

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