Empowering women through art and how I became an artist....

Empowering women through art and how I became an artist....

I wasn't expecting to be the one to empower women. I wasn't expecting to become a visual artist. I mean I was the shy, stand in the corner and watch type of girl.

Life was on a pretty standard trajectory, when my adventurous, happy go lucky, spirited 11 year old son, turned into an angry, anxious, scared mess.

I was working as a food photographer, when I was suddenly catapulted into the job of homeschooling.

This shift required me to wear the hat of advocate, nutritionist, researcher, educator and providing my son a high level of support.

To say this put me under immense stress was an understatement.

I knew something had to change.

I'd come to realise I was living by societal conditioning and beliefs that I had inherited.

I had lost my intuitive knowing.

After 2 years of helping my son recover from his stress I committed to my own stress relief, self-discovery and personal growth.

One day, I was being guided through a meditation and it became apparent that I had a desire to paint.

Who knew!

Not me.

Weeks later, an unplanned trip to an art store, I started experimenting with paint.  So from camera lens to paint and canvas, my journey as a visual artist began.

Over the next few years, through art, meditation and bodywork I went on a massive personal transformation. 

By 2019 I was solo campervanning through NSW. Not something I ever thought I would have the courage to do! 


But back to the art.

Art enabled me to reignite a sense of play and fun that I was craving. It created an avenue of expression, which lead to a huge sense of fulfilment and purpose and growth.

Creating intuitively, I experiment with acrylics, oil, charcoal, inks, pastels, and collage. Or basically whatever I can get my hands on.

I like NO RULES when I create.

I now create abstract art that is energetic, raw, bold, and playful. Art that is a conduit of transformation. A creator of awareness.

All of my art has a message of empowerment, growth and encouragement to live true to yourself. 

Because the more of us in this world that become closer to knowing ourselves the better this world will be.

If you are on this journey of transformation I congratulate you. It's not always easy but it's so worth it.

In 2019 I became a Creative Arts Therapist, 2022 I opened my own Art Gallery in Brisbane, where my art can be viewed. I adore the ability to empower women through both my art and my coaching.


To view my available art click HERE

To learn more about my services you can head to my workshop link HERE.

You can also add yourself to my newsletter to get early access to new releases and openings for mentoring HERE


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